The treatment of acne with cosmetic laser is an exciting new development, which has been shown in research to be an effective treatment. The laser beam, delivered through the skin’s surface, triggers the body’s natural defenses to fight the bacteria. The procedure will reduce the severity of current and future breakouts.
Acne is a very common skin condition that affects millions of people at any given time and throughout most people’s lives. It is characterized by spots on the surface of the skin, normally the face but also common on the back and chest. The spots can be identified as mild, ie surface blackheads or white-heads; or as severe, which are deep, inflamed pus-filled cysts. It is a severe form of acne that can lead to acne scarring.
"What is acne?"
Acne is caused by the grease-producing glands next to hair follicles in the skin. The triggers above cause the glands to overproduce oil (abnormal sebum). It is the presence of this abnormal sebum that changes the activity of bacteria that is called P.acnes. These changes result in more aggressive bacteria causing inflammation and pus. Here at Revolution Beauty Clinic, we aim to treat the root cause of the problem by targeting the bacteria that actually causes the infection.
The non-invasive Laser Acne Treatment is suitable for all skin types. It can be used to treat acne on the face, neck back, and chest, and has been described as the most significant advancement in the condition of their skin, with some people noticing an improvement after just one session.
Acne may be caused by:
Changes in hormone levels (which is why teenagers are very susceptible)
Cyclical changes in hormone levels (menstrual cycle)
Genetic links
Cosmetic products
"What causes Acne?"
"How is the treatment carried out?"
A layer of chilled gel is applied to the skin to help guide the light. The light guide is placed onto the skin and a short pulse of light is released. The applicator is passed over the skin several times before moving onto the neighboring area, and the process is repeated until the whole area is treated. Each pulse of light treats a large area of skin and so the duration of the treatment is very short. The gel is removed and the skin is moisturized. During Laser Acne Treatment, protective eyewear will be provided.
"How many treatments are necessary?"
Typically, three to four Laser Acne Treatments are needed for maximum results, though small lesions may clear in just a single session. For general redness and rosacea, five or more treatments may be required.

"Who is suitable for treatment?"
Almost everyone can be treated, apart from very dark-skinned or tanned individuals. If you are pregnant or taking Roaccutane (an acne medication) it is best not to undergo laser or Intense Pulsed Light treatment.
"How does the treatment feel?"
The Laser Acne Treatment is mildly uncomfortable but no anesthesia is required. Many people describe the sensation as similar to the flick of an elastic band. What should I expect after the treatment? Immediately after treatment, the skin may appear red and a warm tingling sensation may be felt. Typically the skin is cooled to ease any discomfort and a calming gel is applied.
"Are there any side effects?"
The treated area can become quite red immediately after the Laser Acne Treatment but this usually disappears within a couple of hours. Most people experience no other side effects but very rarely a small blister could form or the skin may become temporarily lighter or darker.